
Amlapitta, also known as hyperacidity, is an illness that has been around for a while and is still very prevalent today. It is a very troublesome illness that, if left untreated, can result in a number of severe issues. Amlapitta symptoms and signs closely resemble gastritis or hyperacidity. The body's Pitta Dosha becoming more active is the primary contributor to hyperacidity. The Ayurvedic humour of Pitta represents heat or flames. There are a variety of factors that can aggravate Pitta, but the major ones are eating foods that are unsuitable for the body type or foods that shouldn't be consumed together (such as milk and fish or milk and salt), as well as drinking overly sour or spicy foods and liquids. In Ayurveda, hyperacidity is referred to as Amlapitta. Thus, a situation known as hyperacidity is one in which the body becomes more hot and sour. Pitta imbalances the digestive fire, resulting in poor food digestion and the creation of Ama. An essential medication used in Amlapitta is Kamadudha Rasa. We are attempting to provide a scientifically sound explanation of the drug's mechanism of action in this review paper.

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