
Essential substrate for the development and evolution of any form of life, the conservation of geodiversity is supported by the recognition of its values ​​(scientific, didactic, cultural/historical, tourist, economic, among others). In a given territory, landscapes that present special characteristics, with particular and significant attributes that qualify them with heritage value, deserve and need to be preserved. This work aimed to present the potential from a scientific, didactic, cultural and aesthetic point of view of the Complex Poço da Bebidinha geomorphosite. Thus, the aim is to perpetuate the understanding of geodiversity and related topics and make residents and visitors feel sensitized about its scientific, landscape/aesthetic and cultural importance, since the geomorphosite evidenced here can foster educational practices addressing socio-environmental issues. The methodology was supported by a bibliographic survey, desk work and field inspection for identification and characterization of the geomorphosite from filling in the inventory form proposed by Oliveira (2015). It is recommended by the public manager the installation of access roads and infrastructure, with the creation of partnerships with schools, universities and the local community, in order to create visitation programs to the area, properly programmed, guided and with a view to valorization, dissemination and conservation. It is concluded that, for having a rich collection of pre-colonial engravings allied to the scientific/didactic value, the Complex Poço da Bebidinha geomorphosite, in addition to corresponding to a “place of memory” of past populations, products of culture, has great potential for the understanding of part of the evolutionary history of the earth, from the geological and geomorphological aspects evidenced in the place and that requires conservation.

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