
The proposed article is devoted to the problem of a scientific approach to the definition of the subject of didactics as an independent science of learning and education. The authors conducted a critical analysis from the standpoint of the natural science approach to learning, determined the methodological basis of didactics as a science that is dual in nature, i.e. epistemology and sociology. In this article, based on a materialistic understanding of the essence of learning, the substantiation of the materiality of learning as a process that can be investigated using scientific methods is given. If we assume that learning is an immaterial process, then we cannot investigate it using scientific methods. Therefore, we proceed from the fact that learning is a material process that obeys the laws of nature. We also proceed from the fact that there is no special spiritual entity that would be behind the learning. All the so-called spiritual or cognitive processes are material phenomena that obey the laws of nature. It is this approach that makes it possible to bring didactics into the category of an independent science.

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