
IN the latestjapdfinal “Looking Forward Pamphlet“ Royal Institute of International Affairs the title” Foreign Affairs and the Puistoc. John Price deals with the connexion between foreign affairs and the daily interests of the citizen. Explaining first the subject-matter of foreign affairs, he shows how the human element as well as questions of trade and security enter into it. Considerations of human conduct and morality complicate international affairs, and the greatest difficulties arise not from the problems themselves but from the policies of nations and governments determined to pursue their selfish ends by every possible means. The study of international affairs is not an exact science, nor concerned with the relations between nations in the abstract: it is a study of human affairs. That must be remembered in appraising the machinery for the conduct of foreign affairs, whether at the national or the international level. This machinery is well reviewed by Mr. Price in his next section, which gives a very clear picture of the limitation and purposes of world organisation. The new international organisations are being established in one sphere after another where the need for them is clearly felt, and machinery for collaboration at different levels and in all spheres must be provided if the tasks of maintaining security and promoting peace are to be accomplished.

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