
The article observes the forms and the essence of scientific and pedagogical knowledge as a gnoseological category. The terms «scientific knowledge»,«scientific and pedagogical knowledge», «historical and pedagogical knowledge» are differentiated. The key factors which cause reinterpretation of the contemporary education phenomenon in respect of the fundamental aspects of human beingness are described. Specific features of the research on pedagogical reality have been compared by means of epistemological, logical-gnoseological, anthropological and ontological approaches. Scientific and pedagogical knowledge is considered as a component of more general scientific and humanitarian knowledge. The article also notes the role of pedagogical tradition which seals pedagogical knowledge into a hermeneutic circle. Moreover, a wide range of definitions of the concept «scientific and pedagogical knowledge» have been compared. Key problems affecting the process of scientific and pedagogical cognition in the context of postmodern have been highlighted. Namely, the question of the authenticity of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, its incompleteness, ambiguity, its dependence on the result of the modern reality transformation and also its close connection with the process of historical development of society. The text emphasizes the importance of individual's existential experience in the context of social cultivationof a person. The article states that pedagogical knowledge has been influenced by such processes as total informatization, digitalization and technologization of pedagogical process both negatively and positively. The acceleration is identified as a tendency in all spheres of life and it leads to the education refocus - a refusal from long-term forecasts in favor to implementation of short-term practice-oriented educational projects. The dichotomy between pedagogical theory and everyday pedagogical practice is considered as one of the main ontological problems of scientific and pedagogical knowledge. The most common properties of scientific and pedagogical knowledge are formed according to the standpoint of modern methodology of education. The article emphasizes the importance of scientific and pedagogical knowledge popularization as the way of implementation of educational function of pedagogics and promotion of pedagogical culture in society.

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