
The article considers the historiography of the problem of scientific and methodological support of school education in history in Ukraine. The results of the analysis of the complex of studies and scholarly publications review on the topic are presented in this paper. The general scientific research methods are defined: they are analysis, synthesis, systematization, analogy, classification, which were used to analyze the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of school history education, its scientific and methodological support, updating the content and approaches to teaching history at school. The author defines the concept “scientific and methodological support” through such components as curricula, teaching aids and textbooks, methodology of teaching a subject, legislative and regulatory framework. It is noted that the problems of scientific and methodological support of school historical science were studied by both academic historians and teachers-practitioners. Nowadays, the studies devoted to the content and methods of teaching history are becoming increasingly important. Scientific papers on the topic are divided into several groups. The first group includes general pedagogical research concerning the goals and objectives of secondary education in Ukraine. Such works include teaching aids and textbooks on general pedagogy, history of pedagogy, pedagogical anthologies. The second group includes serious monographs describing the content of history education, updating programs and textbooks. The particular emphasis is placed on works covering the period from Ukraine’s independence, at the beginning of the XXI century. The third group consists of works on the methodology of teaching history in schools. Such works are focused on the practical aspects of teaching history, the structure and content of history lessons, and the like. The fourth group of scientific research consists of those papers, which are devoted to the discussions about the purpose and content of historical education. These are materials of thematic conferences and round tables. The author determined the prospects for further scientific research. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the available scientific papers, it is possible not only to give a detailed description of school history courses, textbooks, approaches to teaching history at school, but also to identify the positive and negative aspects of the content of school history education in Ukraine, to identify problems and ways to overcome them.

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