
Relevance. The purpose of this work was to study scientific and methodological approaches to psychological training of hockey players of secondary school age. The paper considers the term of psycho-logical preparation and related mental reactions. Not only a psychologist takes part in the formation of the psychological state of an athlete, but also a coach, team, social environment, family, moreover, in the era of modern information technology, fans and just random people can also take an active part using the Internet, social networks, messengers. The purpose of the study is to analyze the methods of psychological training of hockey players of secondary school age. Middle school age is very important for the development of a teenager due to both socio-psychological and social factors. During this period, a teenager is in a situation where he is no longer a child, but has not yet become an adult. This is reflected in the level of development of his psyche, his perception by society, as well as physiological features. Methods and organization of research. The beginning of self-regulation training occurs through the inclusion of the first and second levels, otherwise called psychophysiological. At the initial stage, the basic preparatory exercises included in the stabilizing group are used. The transition to the psychological level of regulation is carried out through the inclusion of motives, emotions, goals in the process. Working with these components of personality allows you to make personality changes towards mental stability and stability. Conclusions. As a result, it was possible to consider training in the method of self-regulation, which contributes both to the activation of all processes and to relieving tension to ensure a full-fledged respiration. Psychological preparation allows athletes to cope with emotional states that negatively affect the effectiveness of the training and competitive process, for example, pre-start states.

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