
Nugmanova Amina Abdukarimovna is a famous singer, researcher, scientist, teacher and public figure, teacher with a capital letter, who devoted her life to art and science. Amina Abdukarimovna has lived for the benefit of people all her adult life, showed great attention and love for her people, she made a great contribution to the development of the Kazakh song art. As a creative versatile personality, she has established herself not only as a wonderful performer of folk songs, but also as a scientist who conducted an experimental study on the topic of a PhD thesis devoted to the vocal training of children of different ages. For many years she worked as a teacher in the vocal class, and then as the head of the department at the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute. She devoted most of her works to the issue of vocal education of children and adolescents based on Kazakh songwriting. Her proposed method of teaching children to sing songs is effective and acceptable in the practice of modern secondary schools.The author also considers in her research the problem of improving the quality of teaching singing at school. In the classroom, students with the help of a teacher on the basis of musical notation learn to perform songs in accordance with local requirements. One of the conditions affecting the quality of classes is the presence of a properly selected song repertoire. Another goal facing the teacher is the opportunity to teach children to understand music and enjoy it in the process of performing.Amina Abdykarimovna can be considered as a person who has deep knowledge in the field of musical education of children and adolescents, who has shown a high level of knowledge of Kazakh, Russian, Chinese languages, fluent in Arabic graphics, who has studied and scientifically substantiated the methodology of teaching singing and educating children's voices developed by her.

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