
Over the past decade, scientific advancements have resulted in improved survival from acute leukemia. Continued advancements are expected given the attention to precision medicine and the resulting growth in development and adoption of risk-stratified, personalized therapies. While precision medicine has great potential to improve acute leukemia outcomes, there remain significant barriers to ensuring equitable access to these technologies and receipt of these prescribed targeted, personalized therapies. Over the past 3years, studies report persistent outcome disparities among patients from specific racial and ethnic backgrounds, insurance and socioeconomic status, and other socio-demographic factors after a diagnosis of acute leukemia. A few recent studies examine etiologies for acute leukemia disparities and highlight the importance of ensuring access and equitable delivery of scientific advancements. In the context of continued scientific progress, future strategies require thoughtfully considered improvements in the delivery of care that can overcome the current challenges our patients face.

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