
Part 1 Generalities: the impact of scientific techniques absolute dating and derivative dating the event being dated reasons for dating which technique? dating terminology. Part 2 Climatic clocks and frameworks: climate-based frameworks the oxygen-isotope timescale - the Milankovitch astronomical theory of climate the pollen record (palynology) - late-glacial and postglacial dating in NW Europe, pollen assemblage zones (PAZ), correlation with the oxygen-isotope timescale - La Grand Pile, Les Echets varve chronology - the Scandianavian varbe chronology, the Lake of Clouds, Minnesota dendrochronology (tree-ring dating - the European oak and bristlecone pine chronology. Part 3 Radiocarbon dating: the essential basis the carbon exchange reservoir concentration ration variations - past millennia recent, man-made disturbances other cosmogenic isotopes - calcium -41 the two approaches - beta activity and atom counting - accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) effect of contamination samples and sampling - wood, bone, shell, sediments and soild, peat, mortar, stalagmites etc step towards a calendar date beyond calibration. Part 5 Potassium-argon, uranium-series, fission tracts. Part 6 Luminescence dating: thermoluminescence (TL) paleodose and annual dose on-site procedures laboratory measurements - Alpha counting, Beta TLD, alkali feldspar - the isochron technique, zircon dating accuracy and error limits, date citation, age range authenticity testing beyond pottery - burnt flint, burnt stones, unburnt materials - calcite, shell, bone and teeth optical dating - dating of mineral fractions from Viking pottery fragments, dating of the church of Santa maria Foris Portas, Lombardy, Italy. Part 7 Electron spin resonance (ESR): radioactivity and annual dose applications - stalagmitic calcite, travertine, tooth enamel. Part 8 Amino acid racemization, obsidian hydration, other chemical methods. Part 9 Magnetic dating and magnetostratigraphy: the Earth's magnetic field recording mechanisms - thermoremanent magnetism (TRM)k viscous remanent magnetism (VRM), sediments (DRM, PDRM CRM) sampling and measurement the magnetic polarity timescale (reversal stratigraphy) archaeomagnetism - the Fisher index.

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