
&ience, llchnology, and the Federal Government National Goals for a New Era (1), a report issued by the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP)’ of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), proposes a “renewed and strengthened covenant between science, technology, and society’ Because national security can no longer provide the justification for maintaining a large program of fundamental scientific research, the NAS report advocates a new rationale for supporting science. This rationale, based on the linkage of science to techology policy and national goals, reflects themes expressed in recent months by Congress, the Clinton administration, and various national policy organizations (2-4). While providing a new justification for research funding, there is the concomitant requirement that the benefits of fundamental scientific research be made explicit. In this report the biomedical sciences are frequently cited in examples of how fundamental research has aided society in the past, and as examples of the potential for future benefits. Proposals for stable research support, multiyear funding, and reduced administrative burdens should receive widespread support from the research community. Recommendations for removal or reduction of institutional and disciplinary boundaries in the performance of research will also be welcomed. Although many recommendations advanced in this report are likely to be viewed positively by investigators in the biomedical sciences, some proposals could have detrimental consequences and need to be examined critically before they become part of the “conventional wisdom” One of the most problematic features of the report is the acceptance of the current federal R&D budget as adequate, in contrast to other studies that call for greater investment. Another potential problem is the linkage of fundamental science to strategic objectives. GENERAL PREMISES

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