
Along with the continuous development of the world, the necessity is also increasing of raising individuals who can keep up with developments and fulfill requirements and who research, criticize, question, realize themselves, and have high self-esteem (Anil, 2009). Science education plays a great part in raising individuals who can keep up with current developments. Harlen (1999) and Litcfield and Mattson ( 1989) state that science plays a key role in improving questioning, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, and communication skills. In nurturing potential scientists, it is necessary that the items taught be meaningful for students and related to daily life. When the taught material is related to daily life, it becomes meaningful and permanent for the students.Objectifying teaching, making connections, and preparing the teaching environment according to these criteria are among the duties of a teacher (Akgiil, 2010). In this sense, there are certain characteristics and vocational qualifications of the teachers who produce individuals who are appropriate for the necessities of the time. They are explained by Celikten, Canal, and Yeni (2005, pp. 216-217) as follows: qualified teachers treat students patiently, controlling their emotions. They are respectful and conciliatory toward different religious or opinion groups. They are open to improving and criticizing themselves. They motivate students and focus on success. They are supportive in the expectation of high success, and they serve as models for students with their thoughts and behaviors. They are trustworthy, honest, objective, cheerful, tolerant, and affectionate in addition to holding leadership qualifications. The vocational qualifications of effective teachers are stated as follows: knowing students' problems-their physiological, emotional, and social features- and acting accordingly. They attempt to develop students' problem-solving skills and systematic and creative thinking skills. They help produce individuals who can apply what they have learned, and they evaluate students' achievement objectively using reliable and valid testing and measurement techniques. They make students aware that learning is a lifelong process. By creating independent classroom environments, good teachers attempt to ensure that their students are sociable and self-actualizing. A good science teacher uses a variety of teaching methods, technical strategies, and teaching materials because the more senses are involved in the teaching process, the more permanent the learning becomes and the longer the students will remember what they have learnt. In this sense, visual and audio learning objects enable teachers to increase the chances of more permanent learning (Seferoglu, 2006).A learning object is any reusable digital source that supports learning (Polsani, 2003, p. 77; Wiley, 2002). According to South and Monson (2000), learning objects comprise a wide range of digital media from mind maps and graphs to video and interactive simulations, all designed or used to realize the aims of teaching. Educational movies have also been a common learning object for 50 years (Depover, Giardina, & Marton, 1998), and they are necessary for success in the learning-teaching process (Wenger, 1943). Such movies are prepared to give information about specific topics (Michel, Roebers, & Schneider, 2007). Before beginning more complicated subjects, teachers have found out that educational movies can be used as advance organizers (Michel et al., 2007), and popular science fiction movies contribute to students' making sense of scientific concepts and forming mental schema (Barnett et al., 2006). Moreover, Ozta§ (2008) put forward that pausing and discussing movies while the subject matter is taught is an effective technique. Birkok (2008) states in his research that movies are effective for delivering comprehensive and intensive information to the masses. Furthermore, Whiteman (2009) indicates that documentaries can be used to reach and teach the masses. …

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