
Social ideology and all modern derivatives begun with either Adam Smith, 1776, Wealth of Nations, or Karl Marx, 1848, The Communist Manifest, with Engels. Neither are grounded on science both were created before there existed even the most basic understanding of psychology. Neither deals with modern understanding of the forces that drive a modern free democratic society. Both ideologies have globally failed. My work, the spiritual model of humanity, corrects this failure. It begins with a scientific general theory of psychology which itself must begin with the question what exactly is the relationship between knowledge in mind and the object of that knowledge? This epistemological question only able to be answered by identifying and applying method able to lead the conceptualization process and create the necessary theoretical structure between the selected variables. The method chosen and proved is referred to as Ashby tools. Until the selection of Ashby tools and proof they are tools to lead conceptualization, the only other third level conceptualization method was mathematics. Ashby tools are far more powerful than mathematics, giving rise to understanding of selected systems of much greater verisimilitude, chiefly due Ashby tools manipulate variables that must be drawn directly from the system under study, which is not the case of mathematics, for example the 1927 Solvay Conference to decide the psi function in the Schrodinger equation was a probability function. The modern analysis of humanity begins with the scientific general theory of psychology as the paradigm, which is then applied to all human circumstance referred to as the normal science. Together, the paradigm and its application collectively referred to as the spiritual model of humanity. The correct science of people states in romantic analogy: ideas are the set of the sail, emotions the wind in the sail. It follows that society is not as to people as a tree or photon, since society is built of our own ideas, therefore the society in which our children develop is defined by the ideas we decide to apply to build the society in which they will develop. This paper, a letter, as a practical political policy document based on the following logic: 1. All things are explicable. 2. There must always be a clear, well defined start point to enable reasoned, scientific explanation. 3. All circumstance flowing from the explanation must be reasoned using the start point as the base. Overriding all is the crucial ethic of determining the best ideas based on reason, science being the core of reason (but science as defined by strategic science within the spiritual model of society). This paper applies this structure of thinking to the questions … (1) what choice of society in New Zealand and the free world using New Zealand as the example; (2) having decided the type of society, what policy options offer greatest chance of implementing the type of society desired.

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