
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical foundations of the creation and functioning of science parks. The theoretical foundations of the creation and functioning of science parks as innovative elements of the modern educational space are presented. The scheme of the territorial distribution of science parks in Ukraine was analyzed and systematized, their main functions were highlighted, and the peculiarities of the organization of science parks were revealed. The creation of the first science park "Melitopol Travel University" in the Zaporizhzhia oblast was justified and the strategy for its development was announced, which provides for the implementation of projects on the domestic and foreign education markets; attraction of investments in the budget of the university and the city of Zaporizhzhia, implementation of own innovative projects in the educational field and innovative research works in the sectors of the educational industry, creation of a scientific association with competitive products and technologies in international educational markets. Science parks, business incubators, technology parks, IT clusters, etc. forms of organization of intellectual activity are a significant catalyst for the development of both the educational process and business, scientific and business tourism.

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