
This study aims to find out how information literacy which is part of library science becomes an ability to understand the integration between science and Islam and its implementation in life. This type of research is descriptive with literature review data sources. Meanwhile, this literature review was carried out in four stages consisting of: (a) focusing on the problem to be studied; (b) connecting literature with problems in a balanced way; (c) include clear research statements based on the methodology in the literature; and (d) critically analyze and evaluate the literature reviewed based on the research discussion. Based on the results of a study of religion and science in a book by Nidhal Goesseoum, it shows that Nidhal Guessoum chose at least 4 Muslim scientists to be the main characters, namely Seyyed Hoessin Nasr, Ziauddin Sardar, Abdussalam and al Faruqi, who classify each other as dialectics in chapters 3 and 4 Considering that the philosophy and theoretical foundations as well as the formulas used by science are sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith, it is concluded that science is not contrary to Islam

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