
This chapter throws light on the topics of correction coding and decoding. It is a complex domain which has its own mathematics set. The knowledge of probability and statistics theory helps in coding of quantifying performance. The issue of coding and decoding also leads us to discover the ways to correct errors, and the reason whys and hows of its occurrence. Noise is an unavoidable error factor which is present in all the systems. The chapter therefore undertakes issues on different types of encoding and decoding, used in different transmission mediums for transmitting information. Better performance being the goal, the measurement of it is carried out by dividing total signal power by rate of information carrying bits. Sailing through different theories of encoding and decoding is observed each of which is built upon the advantages of the other. At the later stages, the chapter looks at Cyclic redundancy check, Shannon capacity and limit theorems which enlighten readers on the issues of channel bandwidth, data rate, and signal to noise ratios.

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