
THE following courses of lectures in Science are announced for the ensuing term:—The Regius Professor of Medicine (Dr. Acland) will continue his clinical instruction at the Infirmary, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, beginning on Tuesday, May 2, at 11 A.M. The Linacre Professor of Anatomy and Physiology (Dr. Rolleston) proposes to form classes for practical instruction in anatomy and physiology, as in former terms. Persons are invited to come to the anatomical department in the New Museum on two mornings of the week for study and demonstration, and to lectures on Saturdays at 1 P.M., and at such other times as maybe hereafter arranged. The Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy (the Rev. Bartholomew Price) will give a course of lectures on the Solution of Problems in Applied Mathematics. The course will begin at 1 P.M. on Thursday, April 20, in the lecture-room, upper corridor south, Museum. The Savilian Professor of Astronomy (the Rev. C. Pritchard) will give a lecture early in the present term on the recent solar eclipse. He will also be ready to assist members of the University in their astronomical studies, “sine ulla solenniiate” The Savilian Professor of Geometry (Mr. Henry Smith) will continue his lectures on the Anharmonic Properties of Figures. He will also give a course of lectures on Geometry of Three Dimensions. The Professor of Geology (Mr. J. Phillips) will begin a course of lectures on Monday, April 24, at 12 o'clock, and continue them at the same hour on succeeding Wednesdays and Mondays, in the New Museum. The lectures are arranged to present a systematic view of the more remarkable groups of organic remains, especially in the extinct groups. The Professor of Experimental Philosophy (Mr. R. B. Clifton) has given notice that the Physical Laboratory of the University will be open daily for instruction in practical physics, from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M., on and after Wednesday, April 19. The fee for working three days a week during the term is 3l. The Professor of Chemistry (Sir B. Brodie) has given notice that the Demonstrator in Chemistry will deliver a course of lectures on Chemistry on Tuesdays and Saturdays, at u A.M., commencing Tuesday, April 25. These lectures will be in continuation of the course of the Professor of Chemistry last term, and will commence with the element phosphorus and its combinations. The Professor of Botany (Mr. Lawson) will give a course of lectures on Structural and Physiological Botany. The Hope Professor of Zoology (Mr. Westwood) proposes to give a short course of lectures on the Articulated Animals.

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