
Objective: To determine the number, size, somatotopy and segmental distribution of HRP labeledmotor and sensory neurons forming sciatic nerve in albino rat by using HRP technique. To fined out the distribution ofneurons in sciatic nerve in albino rat in spinal cord from L3S1. The average number, size and segmental distribution ofmotor and sensory neurons were localized by HRP method of tracing neuronal connections. The motor neurons formingSCN ranged 10-60 microns and extended between the caudal part of L3 and rostral part of SI spinal segment. Theyoccupied PPL, PL, C and aL subgroups. The peak frequency distribution of motor neurons was observed in L4-L6spinal segment in SCN. The labeled sensory neurons whose peripheral process run in SCN were localized in L3-S1ipsilateral Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRG). No somatotopic organization of the cells was found in the DRG. The cells weredistributed throughout the ganglia without forming groups. The somal diameters of sensory neurons forming SCNmeasured between 14-58 microns.

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