
The insertion of apenile prosthesis (PP) is adefinitive treatment option for erectile dysfunction (ED), induratio penis plastica, after phalloplasty or priapism. The aim is a"normal" erection with the possibility of asatisfactory sexual life. The costs of the operation are covered by the health insurance. In addition, manual dexterity, concomitant diseases and possible contraindications should be considered preoperatively. While semirigid PPs are simply aligned in the desired position when used, inflatable PPs must be activated and deactivated via apump. In addition to injury to local structures and postoperative infections, long-term complications such as mechanical implant failure or an undesirable cosmetic result may also occur. Careful patient selection and adetailed counselling and information session are therefore of decisive importance. Implantation is performed in the supine or lithotomy position via an infrapubic or penoscrotal approach. PPs should not be implanted if cutaneous, systemic or urinary tract infections are present. Inflatable PPs are preferred by most patients as they come closest to a"natural" erection. APP offers one of the highest satisfaction rates among treatment options, regardless of indication, and is highly rated by patients and their partners across models due to product reliability. Differences between the models of the various manufacturers could not be demonstrated. The choice of prosthesis should therefore be adapted to the patient's individual requirements and health conditions.

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