
Schwannoma  a tumor of cranial and peripheral nerves is rarely found in the orbit and if present causes proptosis. We report a rare cause of unilateral proptosis . A 15 year old boy reported with a 10 months history of unilateral proptosis. Ophthalmic and slit lamp examination revealed no other abnormality except for a dystopia, 3mm inferiorly and 1.5mm medially of left eye. On palpation a small, non-tender rubbery nodular swelling in the left supero-temporal region was found. MRI was suggestive of a lacrimal gland mass with a hyper intense area in the region of left lacrimal gland. Complete excision biopsy was done which reported a Schwannoma of lacrimal nerve. This case emphasis on two important points.First how to approach and manage a rare cause of unilateral proptosis and also that Schwannoma of lacrimal nerve has a very good prognosis after complete surgical excision and a good follow up.

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