
Particle in the box (PIB) solutions to the Schrodinger equations are not new to physical chemistry. Many have been developed to demonstrate complex quantum mechanical techniques in a simplified form. This article outlines two PIB solutions to the Schrodinger equation that increase gradually in complexity and lead to the solution for the H atom. In addition to the PIB solutions, laboratory exercises are cited that can be modeled by the PIB solutions. The two PIB solutions are a particle in a cylindrical box (two-dimensional problem) and a particle in a spherical box (three-dimensional problem). The student is exposed to new functions (i.e., Legendre, Bessel, and spherical Bessel) not commonly seen in undergraduate physical chemistry classes. Pre-H atom quantum theory students should benefit from these exercises, which provide a more thorough introduction to the advanced mathematics encountered in the H atom development but not found in most Cartesian coordinate PIB treatments.

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