
Schools often need to implement the school-based positive behavior support (PBS) framework, especially if the school has students with emotional and behavioral problems. Teacher experiences in PBS provide precious information for the formulation of fidelity and sustainability in PBS. This case study research explored inclusive school-based PBS implementation, challenges, and needs regarding teachers’ experiences. A focus group discussion was used as the data collection method. Eight teachers from five different inclusive schools that provide behavior support programs and who have students with emotional and behavioral problems were involved as participants. Data analysis procedures included open coding with Microsoft Word assistance, and then conducting in-depth analysis on each subtheme identified. Data analysis resulted in four findings. 1) Teachers can identify the behavioral, emotional, and learning behavior problems of students as part of their routine activities. 2) Teachers provide behavior support to students with emotional and behavioral problems in accordance with school policies or, if necessary, based on their own initiatives. 3) Tasks that pose a challenge for teachers include accurately assessing emotional and behavioral problems of students, dealing with severe behavioral problems, and collaborating with colleagues and parents. 4) Teachers need to develop their assessment skills to understand students’ emotional and behavioral problems, come up with behavior support strategies, and collaborate with parents. The research results can serve as both theoretical and practical guidelines for determining how teachers’ skills and school resources align with the successful implementation of PBS.

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