
This study investigated the effect of school Safety on Teachers’ Effectiveness in Government Primary Schools in Manyu Division, South West Region of Cameroon. The study sought to find out the extent to which School Safety affect Teachers’ Effectiveness in Government Primary Schools in Manyu Division. The methodology used in this study was the descriptive survey research design. The area of the study was Manyu Division, South West region of Cameroon. The target population of the study was all the teachers in Government Primary Schools in Manyu Division. The accessible population was teachers in 22 Government Primary Schools in Mamfe Central, Eyumojock and Upper Bayang Sub Divisions. The sample population was 114 teachers (22 head teachers and 92 teachers). Purposive sampling and convenience sampling techniques were used in the study. Questionnaire was used to collect data for teachers and constructed in a 4 responds likert scale. Interview guide was used for head teachers. Data was analysed using SPSS software and presented on tables. The hypothesis were tested using Pearson product moment correlation. The validity focused on face, content and construct. The reliability of the instrument was conducted using a pilot test of 15 teachers who were not part of the study. Findings revealed that school safety to a greater extent affects teachers’ effectiveness in government primary schools in Manyu Division. Finally, it was concluded that school safety has an effect on teachers’ effectiveness in government primary schools in Manyu Division. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government and educational managers should encourage a school environment that is physically, cognitively and emotionally safe so that teachers can be effective.

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