
This study focused in finding out the school head’s instructional leadership behavior and its impact to teacher’s work engagement as perceived by the teachers. Public Elementary School teachers of Tiaong II District, Division of Quezon were chosen as the respondents of the study. The adapted and modified survey questionnaire by Philip Hallinger was utilized to measure the instructional behavior of the school heads and Schaufeli and Bakker (2003), the Utretch Work Engagement Scale (UWES) was used to measure the Teachers Work Engagement in terms of Vigor, Dedication and Absorption using the Likert Scaling of 1-5. The result of the variables showed that there is a significant relationship between the Instructional Leadership Behavior and Teacher’s Work Engagement in terms of (Vigor, Dedication and Absorption). However, the results implied that school leaders with instructional leadership style manifest behavior that is expected by the teachers and make them work with energy, enthusiasm, commitment and dedication at work. Despite of this result, as for the recommendations, school heads may continue lead their teachers and do what is best for teachers and student’s welfare. Also, teachers may continue showing enthusiasm, dedication and full of commitment with their work, duties and responsibilities for their student’s development. School heads may also adopt the effective instructional leadership style and behavior to keep the teachers inspired, motivated, work with energy and dedicated with their work. However, school heads may lessen the extra-curricular and other activities and programs in the school for the teachers to continue work with energy, dedication and commitment.

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