
School dropout is considered a complex and multifactorial phenomenon thus, public policies are needed to address the particularities of this complex scenario. This article elaborates an analysis anchored in bibliographic documental sources that deal with a little explored problem about school dropout in the integrated high school of the Federal Institutes of Education (IFs), from the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations and Scientific Electronic Library Online, between the period 2011 and 2021. The methodology used was based on bibliographic research called state of knowledge, with the purpose of expanding the visibility of a serious phenomenon regarding integrated high school education implemented in FIs and contribute to the deepening of its analysis. It was observed that school dropout is a phenomenon composed of multiple factors and its nature is dynamic, a fact that has hindered the implementation of efficient public policies to address the problem. The results found allowed us to consider possible reasons that lead the student to dropout, but allow us to conclude that the research directed to the issue of dropout in integrated education is still insufficient.

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