
The purpose of this study was to analyze how school autonomy was implemented in Jakarta's Special Capital Region, which administratively serves as a barometer for the successful implementation of policies in Indonesia and emerging economies. The research examined how school autonomy has been applied at the school level in terms of program and budget management, curriculum creation, teacher development, and community development. The topics were administrators, teachers, school leaders, and school committee members from 313 Jakarta public primary schools. Data were gathered utilizing a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and documentary studies. The research indicated that the implementation of school autonomy in Jakarta varies in terms of success, and is contingent on the school's competence and innovation in utilizing its authority and responsibility to grow the institution. Additionally, it is discovered that the weaknesses that must be addressed in order for autonomy to be effective are related to the low quality of leadership demonstrated by school principals, teachers, and school committee participation in management, all of which contribute to the ineffective implementation of school autonomy.

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