
Access to education is recognized in several international human rights instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. However, for many people, especially those from marginalized communities, access to education can be difficult due to financial, cultural and language barriers. In response to these challenges, there is growing recognition of the importance of scholarships and financial aid in expanding access to education for international students. Previous research has shown that scholarships can play a critical role in overcoming financial barriers and expanding access to education. For example, a study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that increased investment in education, including scholarships and financial aid, is associated with higher economic growth (below we will write in more detail about this study). In this article, we will take a fresh look at the importance of the right to education and the role that scholarships for international students can play in securing and protecting this right. We will also discuss the challenges international students face in accessing higher education and the impact of scholarships in overcoming these barriers. Ultimately, this article will demonstrate how scholarships for international students can be a valuable tool in ensuring access to education for all and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to realize their right to education. Moreover, we will also look at several case studies to analyze the impact of scholarships on the lives of specific students from low-income countries. In addition, this article will show the correlation between granting scholarships and the economic growth of the countries (scholarship providers) as well as their receiving additional and unobvious at-first-sight political benefits.

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