
Currently, there are two main problems that affect the scholar atmosphere negatively, in secondary education centers: violence between students and academic underachievement. Both issues are analysed in multiple research papers where a complex relationship, between scholar violence and academic underachievement, is hold. The work presented in this paper unveils the need of a developing a tool to evaluate this complex relationship between scholar violence and academic underachievement. The tool developed is called VERA-Nivel I. This software is an augmented reality video game able not only to discover detailed information on how students interact and between who these interactions occur but also allows to mine information on their cognitive skills. The exploited concept, lent from augmented reality, in this game is the possibility to analyse the interactions with real peers and in a real context, their classroom. Concurrently to this context-aware analysis, the application is designed to reward non-violent behaviour. Vera-Nivel I is not restricted to the educational context but to any other context in which the same evaluation object is available.


  • Scholar Violence and Academic Achievement (VERA): augmented reality application

  • There are two main problems that affect the scholar atmosphere negatively, in secondary education centers: violence between students and academic underachievement. Both issues are analysed in multiple research papers where a complex relationship, between scholar violence and academic underachievement, is hold

  • The exploited concept, lent from augmented reality, in this game is the possibility to analyse the interactions with real peers and in a real context, their classroom

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Rendimiento académico y violencia escolar

La violencia y el fracaso escolar se presentan, en la actualidad como dos problemas de gran impacto en el ámbito de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y, por tanto, que requieren de un abordaje multidisciplinar efectivo e inmediato. A partir de resultados como éstos, se podría decir que la violencia en el contexto escolar viene a ser explicada en parte por un bajo rendimiento, en la medida en que los alumnos que obtienen buenas calificaciones y, por tanto, se sienten más vinculados al entorno educativo, no presentan problemas emocionales y por tanto permanecen ajenos a las situaciones de violencia (Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer y Cheryl, 2003); y a la inversa, los niños con bajo rendimiento escolar, tendrán una percepción más negativa del contexto escolar, y será la percepción hostil de este entorno junto a la sensación de aislamiento social la que los lleve a participar activamente de la agresión (Toblin, Schwartz, Gorman y Abou-Ezzeddine, 2005). Se requiere del desarrollo de instrumentos de evaluación adecuados, que nos permitan diseñar una intervención efectiva para la prevención de un problema de naturaleza compleja como es la violencia en las aulas (Chaux, 2011)

Aplicación de la Realidad Aumentada en el tratamiento psicológico
Videojuego para valorar la conducta agresiva y el rendimiento académico
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