
Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) was applied to a variety of boulder-dominated periglacial landforms in an attempt to establish a local mid-/late-Holocene chronology for the Geirangerfjellet in South Norway. Landform ages were obtained by application of a local calibration curve for Schmidt hammer R-values based on young and old control points comprising fresh road cuts and a bedrock surface in proximity to the study area, respectively. The area was deglaciated ~11.5 ka ago according to independent age information. Investigation of age, formation and stabilization of the periglacial landforms and processes involved allowed assessment of the underlying Holocene climate variability and its relationship to landform evolution. Our SHD ages range from 7.47 ± 0.73 ka for glacially abraded bedrock at the valley bottom to 2.22 ± 0.49 ka for surface boulders of a rock-slope failure. All landforms shared negative skewness and largely have narrow tailed frequency distributions of their R-values. This points to either substantial reworking of the boulders within a landform or continuous debris supply. Our results show that most landforms stabilized during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (~8.0–5.0 ka). The findings do not support the hypothesis that rock-slope failures predominately occur shortly after local deglaciation. Instead, it appears that they cluster during warm periods due to climate-driven factors, for example, decreasing permafrost depth or increasing cleft-water pressure leading to slope instabilities. Periglacial boulder-dominated landforms in the western maritime fjord region seem to react sensitively to Holocene climate variability and may constitute valuable but to date mostly unexplored sources of palaeoclimatic information.

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