
Symptoms of insomnia and frequent nightmares are prevalent in psychotic disorders, and are associated with psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) in the non-clinical population. Whereas the role of impaired sleep in psychosis was extensively examined by longitudinal and interventional approaches, studies on the association between psychosis and dream quality are scarce, and mainly cross-sectional. We conducted a three-week long prospective study in a group of healthy adults (N = 55), assessed schizotypal traits, daily PLEs, and the emotional quality of dreams recalled in the morning (N = 490). We extracted the latent factors of schizotypal traits and dream emotions, and examined the predictive value of trait-and state-like variables on day-to-day reports of PLEs and dream quality. PLEs reported in the evening predicted emotionally more negative and salient dream reports the following morning. On the other hand, the quality of dreams were not predictive of PLEs reported later during the day. Schizotypal personality traits were differentially associated with dream quality: Introvertive Anhedonia, Cognitive Disorganization, and General-Disorganized schizotypy were linked to more negative dream valence, whereas Unusual Experiences were associated with more salient dreams. Our findings highlight the relevance of the multidimensional nature of schizotypal traits, the role of different facets of schizotypy in daytime and nocturnal mental experiences, and the day-to-day associations between PLEs and dream affect. General scientific summaries (GSS)The aim of the study was to examine the temporal associations between psychotic-like experiences and dream emotions, taking into account the trait factors of schizotypy. Psychotic-like experiences during the evening hours predicted reporting more negative and salient dreams the following morning, and schizotypal personality traits were differentially associated with the dimensions of dream emotions.

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