
The Dark Triad is a collection of socially aversive personality traits, namely subclinical psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and subclinical narcissism. These deviant traits, however, contribute to the success of individuals with dark personality traits. Therefore, Dark Triad traits can be conceived as pseudopathologies. Schizotypal traits have also been studies from the perspective of behavioral adaptations. In this study, we investigated whether schizotypal traits were associated with the Dark Triad traits and how schizotypal symptoms can be considered as parts of dark interpersonal strategies that contribute to the individual success of people with dark personality traits. A sample of 277 university students (198 females and 79 males; Mage = 20.64; SDage = 2.15) were recruited to fill out the Short Dark Triad and the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief Revised. Statistical analyses revealed that Machiavellianism was positively associated with restricted emotional and social life. Narcissism was negatively associated with interpersonal problems. Psychopathy was positively associated with distorted perceptions/cognitions and disorganization. Results of the study are discussed within a behavioral ecology framework. This perspective emphasizes the adaptive values connected to schizotypal personality traits. We further discuss how these adaptive traits fit into strategies of individuals with Dark Triad traits, and how these schizotypal traits might restrict or further promote their individual success.

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