
ABSTRACT Introduction This study examined creative problem solving in schizophrenia. We aimed to verify three hypotheses: (H1) schizophrenia patients differ from healthy controls in the accuracy of creative problem solving; (H2) schizophrenia patients are less effective at evaluating and rejecting incorrect associations and (H3) have a more idiosyncratic way of searching for semantic associations compared to controls. Methods Six Remote Associates Test (RAT) items and three insight problems were applied to schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. We compared groups on the overall accuracy in the tasks to verify H1 and developed a novel method of comparing the patterns of errors in the RAT to verify H2 and H3. We controlled for fluid intelligence to eliminate this significant source of variation, as typically creativity and intelligence are significantly related. Results Bayesian factor analysis did not support the group differences in either insight problems and RAT accuracy or the patterns of RAT errors. Conclusions The patients performed as well as the controls on both tasks. Analysis of RAT errors suggested that the process of searching for remote associations is comparable in both groups. It is highly improbable that individuals with schizophrenia benefit from their diagnosis during creative problem solving.

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