
Free swimming miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni were studied with the electron microscope for the purpose of describing the penetration apparatus and the epidermis. The penetration apparatus was composed of 3 unicellular glands which contain membrane-bound vesicles containing macromolecular diglycols. Each gland contained a nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, numerous mitochondria, and glycogen stores. Each gland cell opened to the exterior through the apical papilla. The surface of the miracidium, with the exception of the apical papilla, was covered with ciliated epidermal cells containing numerous mitochondria, membranous bodies, and glycogen. No nuclei were detected within these epidermal cells. Intercellular ridges connecting with subepidermal cytons interrupted the epidermal cells at numerous points. The ridges were joined to the epidermal cells by septate desmosomes. Beneath the epidermal cells were found circular and longitudinal muscle bundles. Sensory structures of various types were associated with the outer covering. These consisted of (1) numerous “knob-like” cytoplasmic projections associated with epidermal cells, (2) bulbous, lamelloid structures with external cytoplasmic projections, and (3) ciliated nerve endings with posterior epidermal tiers and ciliated nerve pits associated with apical papilla.

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