
Abstract A new species each of Schistonchus and Parasitodiplogaster were recovered from the sycones of Ficus virens from St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. This is also the first record of Parasitodiplogaster from Australia. The species are described here as Schistonchus virens sp. n. and Parasitodiplogaster australis sp. n. Schistonchus virens sp. n. is differentiated from other species of the genus by a combination of morphological characters, including C-shaped females and males, excretory pore opening located near the head, a short post-vulval uterine sac, rose-thorn-shaped spicule, amoeboid sperm, no gubernaculum, three pairs of subventral papillae on the male tail, DNA sequence data; biogeographical range and host wasp and Ficus species affiliation. Parasitodiplogaster australis sp. n. is differentiated from all other species of the genus by having females with only one gonad, males with C-shaped spicules with an arcuate, slender gubernaculum, characteristic arrangement of the male caudal papillae and DNA sequence data. The generic diagnosis of Parasitodiplogaster is emended to include loss of a female gonad.

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