
Scheelite-bearing quartz veins from Poblet, trending in a NE-SW direction, are hosted by calcic granitoids of Late Hercynian age in the southern part of the Catalonian Coast Range. Fluid inclusions from quartz and scheelite have been characterized using microthermometry, Raman microspectrometry and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Except for type I inclusions (not observed in scheelite), similar inclusions have been observed in both minerals. One recognizes, in order of formation : Type I inclusions containing brine, daughter phases (halite, sylvite and sometimes iron chloride) and incidentally trapped minerals (ankerite, siderite, muscovite, K-felspar and unidentified species). Type II(L) inclusions have a low salinity (1 to 6 % eq. NaCl) and homogenize in the liquid phase in the range of 300-400 °C or under critical conditions near 400 °C. Type II(V) are low density, CO2-poor aqueous inclusions, homogenizing in the gas phase in the range of 350-420 °C. Type II(V') have higher CO2 contents. Type II inclusions appear as samples of an initially hypercritical fluid, trapped at different stages of its evolutions towards two subcritical fluids. Type III inclusions indicate later circulation of a colder, low-salinity solution (Th : 150 to 300 °C ; salinity : 0 to 3.5 % NaCl wt %). Abundant iron contents in type I inclusions suggest some interaction at elevated temperature (400 to 600 °C) with a biotite granite (Whitney et al., 1985). P-T conditions compatible with measurements performed on type II inclusions are about 400 °C and 0.8 kbar, in a range similar to that determined for the Djbel Aouam occurrence in Hercynian Morocco (Cheilletz, 1984). Equivalent conditions have been postulated for scheelite precipitation at Poblet.

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