
In the low duty cycle wireless sensor network with unreliable link quality, how to meet designated delay requirements and maximize network lifetime is the focus of this study. This paper proposes the Scheduling Scheme based on Estimated-delay(SSE), which could satisfy decreasing energy consumption as well as delivery delay in the low duty cycle wireless sensor network by utilizing the estimated-delay from the current node to the destination node. We compare our SSE algorithm with other algorithms in the simulation. The results show that SSE could significantly improve the performance in the low duty cycle wireless sensor network compared with other algorithms at the same required delay. This paper studies the Node Scheduling Scheme in wire- less sensor network, and then proposes Scheduling Scheme based on Estimated-delay (SSE) under unreliable link quality in low duty cycle wireless sensor network. As we know, in wireless sensor network, nodes energy is major consumed in the transmission work slot (2), with the ability of computing in each node, the node could predict the delivery delay be- tween it and the destination node, then select a path from it to the destination node based on the least delay. During the transfer process, each node could predict new delay based on this path to the destination node and dynamically adjust it's work slot according to it's energy as well as the required delivery delay to the destination node. Based on this, we design the Scheduling Scheme for low duty cycle wireless

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