
Critical path method (CPM) is the widely used technique for scheduling of non-repetitive construction projects, on the other hand, line of balance (LOB) is used for scheduling of repetitive construction projects. There may exist repetitive and non-repetitive parts together in a construction project. In the present study, to schedule repetitive and non-repetitive parts of a construction project together, CPM and LOB techniques have been integrated within the geographic information systems (GIS) environment. The scheduling tool has been developed in which activities of a repetitive part are scheduled using CPM and different repetitive parts are scheduled using LOB. A sample project scheduled using CPM technique takes 520 days, however, if the same project is scheduled using the developed tool takes 214 days. Further, construction planning is not done in isolation, that is, without considering surroundings of a construction project under consideration. The scheduling tool developed in GIS environment considers the effect of surroundings on the developed integrated schedule. A link has been established between the activities of the developed schedule and corresponding 3D components in GIS environment to develop 4D model of execution sequence of a construction project. This facilitates in checking logical errors, resource continuity, and incompleteness of the developed integrated schedule.

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