
An educational digital library is a specialized digital library containing instructional materials, such as class lectures, seminar presentations, and various training materials. These materials consist of a combination of audio, video, and image data. In such an environment, basic parts of multimedia data are usually stored in databases and sophisticated multimedia presentations may be assembled to generate various presentations. In this paper, we investigate a theory of the scheduling strategies for supporting the synchronized presentations of multimedia streams which is applicable to educational digital libraries. This scheduling theory includes the specification and representation of synchronization on media streams, the realization of appropriate synchronization granularity, and the scheduling principles for the presentations of multimedia streams. This investigation formulates criteria for specifying and scheduling the skipping/pausing of media streams with asynchronous presentations when various delays occur. Adaptability to various quality-of-service requirements is supported in the scheduling strategies. Various synchronization mechanisms at both client and server sides are proposed to implement the scheduling theory. Experimental analysis is conducted using instructional materials.

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