
Data generated in the past few years cannot be efficiently manipulated with the traditional way of storing techniques as it is a large-scale dataset, and it can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. To deal with this kind of enormous dataset Hadoop framework is used, which supports the processing of large dataset in a distributed computing environment. Hadoop uses a technique named as MapReduce for processing and generating a large dataset with a parallel distributed algorithm on a cluster. It automatically handles failures and data loss due to its fault-tolerance property. The scheduler is a pluggable component of the MapReduce framework. Hadoop MapReduce framework uses various scheduler as per the requirements of the task. FIFO (First In First Out) is a default algorithm used by Hadoop, in which the jobs are executed in the order of their arrival. This paper will discuss myriad of schedulers such as FIFO, Capacity Scheduler, LATE Scheduler, Fair Scheduler, Delay Scheduler, Deadline Constraint Scheduler, and Resource Aware Scheduler. Besides these schedulers, we also conducted study of comparison of schedulers like Round Robin, Weighted Round Robin, Self-adaptive Reduce Scheduling (SARS), Self-adaptive MapReduce Scheduling (SAMR), Dynamic Priority Scheduling, Learning Scheduling, Classification & Optimization-based Scheduler (COSHH), Network-Aware, Match-matching, and Energy-Aware Scheduler. Hopefully, this study will enhance the understanding of the specific schedulers and stimulate other developers and consumers to make accurate decisions for their specific research interests.

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