
AbstractTask scheduling algorithms have a huge impact by handling and executing users’ requests in a data-center that serves a Cloud System. A problem very close to the industry is the capability to estimate costs, especially when switching from one provider to another. In this paper we introduce an agreement-based scheduling algorithm, aimed to bring an adaptive fault tolerant system. For the agreement protocol we proposed a 3-Tier structure of resources (hosts and VMs). Then an adaptive mechanism for agreement establishment is described. The scheduling algorithm considers workload distribution, resources heterogeneity, transparency, adaptability and also the ease to extend by combining with other scheduling algorithms. Based on simulation experiments, we can draw the conclusion that an agreement based algorithm improves both scheduling in Cloud and the mapping of SLAs at lower levels, possibly ensuring the same cost on data-centers belonging to different providers.KeywordsScheduling AlgorithmAgreementAdaptive Distributed SystemsFault Tolerant SystemsCloud Computing

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