
The objective of the paper is to study the status of education among the scheduled tribes of Gajapati district. The study is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data collected from 02 blocks viz., Mohana and R.Udayagiri block under the Gajapati district in 2021. The analysis is based on Demographic variables i.e., size of households and Literacy level; educational variables i.e., illiterate, literate without formal schooling, literate below primary, primary education, middle education, secondary education, higher secondary education, diploma/ certificate course, graduation, post graduation, post graduate and above and health parameters like Medical facility in Gajapati district using descriptive statistics ( mean, standard deviation) correlation and bar charts. Tribal education level is very low, no basic facilities, lack of infrastructure, no sustainable livelihood; economic insecurity of tribals all these problems may eradicate through the tribal sub-plan. The Tribal sub plan is a strategic plan; it was introduced by the Government of India, for the quick socio economic development of Tribal people in India. Through the Annual Plans of State and Union Territory grants are given under the TSP in the Proportion size of population. The TSP strategy consists of two pronged approaches viz. (1) socioeconomic development of tribals (2) protection of tribals against exploitation. This strategy was the result of consultations among anthropologists, NGOs, development administrators and policy makers. KEY WORDS: Tribal sub-plan, economic security, infrastructure, education

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