
The ability of lonidamine (LND), an energolytic derivative of indazol-carboxylic acid, to modulate the cytotoxic activity of idarubicin (IDA) and doxorubicin (DX) was investigated in two human lymphoma cell lines (H9 and U937). A different pattern of interaction between the drugs was observed as a function of treatment sequence. Specifically, a 24-h postincubation with a non-cytotoxic concentration of LND (75 mu M) increased the activity of a 1-h anthracycline treatment in both cell lines. However, the extent of potentiation for IDA was more than twofold that of DX. No enhancement of anthracycline activity was observed when LND preceded IDA. For comparative purposes, the modulating effect of all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) on the cytotoxicity of IDA was evaluated according to different treatment schemes in both lymphoma cell lines. In U937 cells, which undergo monocytic differentiation after exposure to retinoids, a marked increase in LDA activity was obtained following a 48-h postincubation with 1.5 mu M ATRA. No potentiation of anthracycline activity was obtained using the opposite drug sequence. In H9 cells, no significant interference between ATRA and IDA was observed independent of the modality of drug administration. The ability of LND to potentiate IDA activity, and the consideration that LND causes side effects different from those caused by anthracyclines, make this compound an attractive candidate for multidrug combination therapy in hematological neoplasms.

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