
ABSTRACT Ship detection in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is widely applied in marine monitoring. In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have made significant advances in SAR ship detection. However, the scene imbalance problem, i.e. much more offshore scenes than inshore scenes in SAR images, severely hampers the improvement of detection accuracy. In this article, we propose scene-aware data augmentation to address the problem. First, a novel concept, inshore rate, is introduced to estimate the land area percentage of various scenes in SAR images. We can divide image samples into inshore and offshore ones based on the inshore rate without manual category annotations. Second, to augment inshore samples, we synthesize dummy inshore images by cropping the ground truth bounding boxes (GT bboxes) from offshore images and pasting them onto inshore images. This offline data augmentation strategy can address the scene imbalance problem and improve detection accuracy. The experiments conducted on SAR Ship Detection Dataset (SSDD) and Large-Scale SAR Ship Detection Dataset (LS-SSDD) demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in improving detection performance.

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