
USING AS RESEARCH TOOLS Gestalt psychology and Jean Piaget’s genetic epistemology, and the results of previous chapters as data, we examine Albert Einstein’s thinking that led to the relativity of simultaneity (i.e., creative thinking in the individual), and the genesis of quantum theory during the period 1913–1927 (i.e., the growth of a theory among several scientists). The scenarios of these two episodes in the history of science are developed here in conformity to the guidelines of Gestalt psychology and genetic epistemology, while striving for the historical accuracy in Chapters 1–4. Chapter 5 introduced the portions of Gestalt psychology that will be used here. Regarding genetic epistemology, the direction of the investigation in this chapter is best set by Piaget himself in the epigraph to this chapter.KeywordsConcept FormationGestalt PsychologyLight QuantumSymbolic PlayObject PermanencyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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