
Genotoxicity is a property possessed by some substances that makes them harmful to the genetic information contained in organisms. Heavy metal ions and polycyclic hydrocarbons are the most influencing genotoxicants for fishes. A large proportion of genotoxicants are disposed in free flowing water bodies and the funa particulary, fishes are highly affected. Accumulation of genotxicants not only effects the growth of fishes but also decrease the fecundity capacity. Liver and kidney are two important organs affected as enzymes like MT and ALT are playing pivotal role in detoxification of genotoxicants. Genotoxicants have pronounced influence on liver histology and biochemistry which resulted in structural damage to the vital organ. Screening and development of microbial strains and phytoplankton as bioaccumulating agents will help in decreasing pronounce of toxins leading to genetic material damage. The second level effect of genotoxins can be carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents, mutagens, or mutation-causing agents, or teratogens, birth defect- causing agents. The importance of the fisheries sector has been highlighted as a major food source. As an important activity allied to agriculture, it strengthens the productive base of agricultural economy and generates self- employment. Fish makes a vital contribution to the survival and health of a significant portion of the world's population. Fish is especially important in the developing world. In some of Asia's poorest countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia) people derive as much as 75% of their daily protein from fish. In West Africa fish accounts for 30% of animal protein intake, and this number would be larger if the poor could afford to buy more. Fish provides essential nourishment, especially quality proteins and fats (macronutrients), vitamins and minerals (micronutrients). Second, for those involved in fisheries, aquaculture and fish trade, fish is a source of income which can be used to purchase other additional food items. The fish industry has been threatened by natural and human activities. Aquatic ecosystems are continuously loaded with anthropogenic pollutants of which heavy metal ions, microbial toxins, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons form an important group of concern. These pollutants are affecting stages of the aquatic food chain which may lead to the disturbance of the whole ecosystem. Fish

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