
Smallholder plantations dominate pepper development in Indonesia. In global trade, Indonesia has experienced pepper product detention due to the contamination of microorganisms. It is related to traditional agro-industrial activities that must be improved in quality assurance, hygiene, and food safety. The application of cleaner production is one strategy to overcome this condition. This study aims to analyze the application of a cleaner production approach in the pepper agroindustry. The analysis was performed using Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM). Cleaner production in the pepper agroindustry is implemented by improving traditional processing systems and mechanical processing applications. The objectives are to increase productivity, process efficiency, and product quality. Both strategies can still be implemented based on conditions in the field. Strategies for improving traditional pepper processing include developing knowledge transfer, enhancing farmer skills, and processing infrastructure and technology provision. The application of machines’ processing requires availability and accessibility of technology and support from farmer organizations, financing institutions, and extension programs. The strategy of mechanical processing application begins with strengthening farmer institutions, improving access to finance and financial facilitating by the government, and building stakeholder engagement.

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