
The study examines scenario building as the secondary procedure of the “heuristic logic”. Scenario building is the extreme case of heuristic and logical procedure. The procedure involves constructing certain sequences of fictional utterances to realize certain goals and tasks (in the case of heuristics and logic to solve cognitive problems). Fictional utterances constitute fictional worlds, which can include possible and impossible worlds. Scenario building is a creation of a fictional world, which evaluation as the possible or impossible world depends on the conditional denotation (matterobject or designation) of fictional utterances and the plausibility of relations between the conditional denotation and the fictional utterances. The plausibility of fictional utterances is characterized by such properties of fictional utterances as a possibility, credibility, and relevance. These properties are related to the concretizations of the selected types of plausibility (referential, logical, poetic, and topical) and the selection and combination of elements transferred from the actual world to the fictional world.

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