
A fresh split gill mushroom or locally known as cendawan kukur (Schizophyllum commune Fr.) (SC) was obtained from Terengganu, Malaysia. The SC samples were dried in an oven and extracted with several polarities of solvent such as water, ethanol, dichloromethane and hexane. Then the SC extracts were tested for their scavenging activity against the DDPH radical models. The scavenging activities were calculated as a percentage of DDPH radicals discolouration and measured as scavenging activities of the S. commune extracts. The finding observed the highest scavenging activities resulted from SC-H2O (85.40%), followed by SC-ethanol (54.91%), SC-dichloromethane (0.46%) extracts and no observation of scavenging activities showed by a non-polar extract (SCHexane). In this finding, the scavenging activity of SC-H2O extract against DDPH radicals was found more potent at 85.40% and it showed the highest activities as compared to the other SC-DCM and SC-EtOH extracts. In the next observation, the scavenging activities of the single SC-water extract against free radical DDPH were observed for another 30 mins by an interval of 5 mins increment after the incubation time. As a result, the scavenging activities of SC-H2O extract against DDPH free radicals maintained its activities between 85.40-85.76% within 30 mins. These observed that the SC-H2O extracts presented a highly potent antioxidant as compared to other SC extracts in this model. Finally, an additional HPTLC method was used as a preliminary observation of the SC extract separation profiles. The result of SC water extracts (polar extract) observed the same Rf value (0.25) of the unknown compound as compared to the SC-EtOH and SCDCM extracts, and this spot compound was not observed in the non-polar extract of SCHexane. The polar and mid-polar extractable materials were more abundant in TLC separations and are related to the % TSS and strength of the mushroom aroma in the extracts. These preliminary studies will be continued for the S. commune phytochemicals discovery and the development of a new product of S. commune flavour extracts.

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