
Abstract The scattering of an electromagnetic wave from a random cylindrical surface ir studied for a plane-wave incidence with S-(TE) polarization, by means ofthe stochastic scattering theory developed by Nakayama, Ogura. Sakati et al. The theory is based on the Wiener-Ito stochastic functional calculus combined with the group-theoretic consideration concerning the homogeneity of the random surface. The random surface is assumed to be a homogeneous Gaussian random field on the cylinder C, homogeneous with respect to the group of motiolrs on C: translations along the axis and rotations around the axis. An operator D operating on a random field on C is introduced in such a way that D keeps the homogeneous random surface invariant This gives a reprerentation of the cylbdrical group and commutes with the boundary condition and the Maxwell equation. Thus, for an injection of the mth cylindrical TE or TM wave, which is a vector eigenfunction of the D operator, the scattered random wave field is an eigenfunctiou with the same eigenvalue: it satisfies the Maxwell equation and is a stoch-tic Iunctional of the Gaussian random surface, BO that it can be expressed in a vector form of the Wiener-Ito expansion in t e m of TE and TM waves and orthogonal functional. of the Gaussian random measures associated with the random cylindrical surface. In the analysis the random surface is modelled by an approximate boundaiy condition representing a perfectly conducting cylindrical surface with a slight roughness. The boundary condition on the random cylinder is transformed into a hierarchy of equations for the Wiener kernels which can be solved approximately. The random wave field for a plane-wave injection is obtained by summing these fields over m. From the stochastic representation of the electromagnetic field so obtained, various statistical characteristics can be calculated the coherent scattering amplitude. total coherent power flow, incoherent power flow, differential sections for coherent rcatlerhig and incoherent scattering, etc. The power conservation law is cast into a stochastic electromagnetic version of the optical theorem stating that the total scatteiing cross section is given by the imaginary part of the forward coherent scattering amplitude. Numerical calculations are made for a planewave injection with S-(TE) polarization. The case of p-(TM) polarization can be treated in a similar manner.

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