
A summary is presented of lectures which are ccncerned with the properties of the scattering matrix which describes the interactions deduced from the general principles of the quantum field theory. The interaction is formulated in terms of field operators, which are assumed to possess: (1) an asymptotic behavior ia the time component of their argument vector which ensures the possibillty of a particle interpretation; (2) correct transformation properties under the inhomogeneous Lorentz group; and (3) vanishing commutators (or anticommutators) for space-like separation of their arguments. It is believed that this property corresponds to causality. By obtaining explicit properties of the scattering matrix, experimental results may be correlated and partially understood and the correcthess of the axioms can be tested by confronting them with empirical facts. Included is a derivation of dispersion relations for the case of strongly interacting relativistic (B.O.G.)

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